UK Unveils New Robotic Boat Program

April 20, 2020

Robotics is playing a rather large part in the world these days. The latest endeavor is being undertaken by the U.K.’s National Oceanography Centre, which has come up with an ocean-based robotic vehicle.

ASV Ltd of Portchester and MOST (AV) Ltd have been awarded government contracts to create the vehicles. These vehicles, which are being referred to as Long Endurance Marine Unmanned Vehicles, will be used to carry out marine research over long periods of time.


These ocean-equipped vehicles are currently being developed so that they will be operational for yearlong missions. Before they are put into operation officially, they will be heavily tested. The robots will operate more like boats than submarines, and will be gathering a ton of different types of data using sensors that will gather the information from above and below the ocean’s surface.

The robotic boats will make their way through the oceans using satellite navigation. That satellite uplink will also allow the devices to communicate back to the operations center. The vehicles will be using several different kinds of renewable energy in order to continue to be powered while it is out on the rather long missions. The program for these robotic boats is currently in phase two and the British government is looking to have these machines in full operation by the end of the year.

The use of robotics is growing every day in a wide variety of sectors. While environmental research is certainly one of the top areas, there are plenty of others. There are the military uses of robotic technology like unmanned helicopters operating much the way of current drones. There are also robotic machines in development intended to help disabled people get around easier, as well as communicate better.

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