What seemed to be a miracle in the past now has become a reality. You have heard about online classes, but how about a robot teacher? Once we manage to overcome COVID-19 and students will finally leave their homes to join their classmates at school, do not be surprised if your children tell you that there has been a robot in their class.
Modern technologies are rapidly changing in compliance with our needs and it goes without saying that soon robots will play essential role in the educational system, as they can easily substitute a teacher or an absent student in the classroom.
Right now having a robot instead of a teacher is out-of-the-ordinary experience but in the near future it will an integral part of the learning process and there are a few main reasons for that.
Assistive technology for children who cannot attend lessons
Educational robotics is an ideal solution for children who due to the injuries, immunity glitches or serious health problems are not allowed to attend school lessons on par with their friends. With the help of robots-intermediaries, they will be actively engaged in a learning process while staying at home and enjoying every lesson from their bedroom. Robots-intermediaries can bring to the classrooms children who are not able to be present at the lessons but how does that actually work?
The answer is simple: a child gets his personal robot who attends school instead of him. With the help of a computer, student can control his remote friend, locate it wherever necessary in the classrooms and interact with teachers as well as peers via special internal video conferencing system.
Exceptional Learning Tool For Children with Special Needs
Robots can not only make the whole learning process easier and more engaging for students but also help children with autism to master various subjects with fun.
These kids find it difficult to concentrate on learning because of non-verbal signals and rapid changes of facial expression of other students, as a result they are often distracted and fail to stay focused for a long time. In this case, robots can serve as a great teachers and provide children with developmental issues with an excellent educational tool that will help them to acquire necessary skills. Robot-mentors can be adjusted according to the needs of each child.
Although those devices are quite expensive, they offer unparalleled access to the wide range of options that make them ideal companions for kids with autism and can effortlessly teach them essential stuff.
Other directions of development of robots: Cleaning Robots, Quadcopters and drones, Constructors, Robots toys.
Telepresence Robot as a Real Teacher
Telepresence robots allow teachers to have lessons with their students regardless of place and time. Moreover, with the help of this tool, best teachers can share their knowledge even with remote schools, providing a vast number of students with an opportunity to get a better understanding of the subject and interact with the teacher personally. Actually, robot replaces a human-teacher in the classroom.
Being equipped with special sensors and cameras that serve as eyes and ears of a teacher, telepresence robots make distant learning accessible and extremely convenient. The speech and image signal is broadcast to a large monitor, children’s tablets or laptops, so they can easily hear and see their favorite teacher and get an interactive training experience.
Educational robotics can transfer learning process from tedious and boring lessons into a captivating experience full of positive emotions and despite the fact, that some people are too conservative to accept the idea of a robot conducting a lesson at their child’s classroom, in the near future it is going to be a common thing.